Full Version: Weekend events
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Hey guys/gals,

Just a quick one really, a couple of us have looking into hosting “Game nights” at some point in the weekends, This can vary in terms of the game based and what people would like in a set list to choose from.

As such i want to to include the community and help the growth not only for Anti-Social but to help others get out there and meet other groups of ASG. We are a strong community and have prided ourselves of having a very friendly and active one.

So in short what i wanted to know from everyone is what day/times you feel you would be free to attend a night of games with the community! Rough idea at the moment would be Sunday early evening GMT but i would rather find a time that suits everyone knowing that we are all around.

So please let me know as a reply to this topic or give me a quick message in teamspeak. First game night we was thinking about was a giant game of “Cards against Humanity” to help break the ice!
I generally feel that people usually finish work between 5 & 6 take into account travel time, lets say an hour, some people like to come home and have dinner or shower etc etc So i think between 7-8 is a prime time for these events Smile