Full Version: Community Meeting 30/04/2016
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About what we’re doing
Firstly I’d like to say thank you to everyone who has joined this meeting.
So I’m guessing you’re all wondering why I have called this meeting with everyone,
Basically it’s to explain some of the changes that we’re making to the community,
And the direction we’re hoping to take.
We’ve created new forums, so please sign up.
We’re aiming to unify our community, and some of the changes that we are making are to help us achieve and will explained further in this meeting. 
We will be promoting some members, and demoting other members based upon their willingness to help our community over the previous months.
we will also now have new way of signing up to ASG and rust rangers, which will be done through our forums via applications with single members and groups (this will grant full access to all teamspeak channels bar a few privatized ones e.g meeting rooms.) therefore no more passwords on channels. At the end of the day, we are a community, and everyone should be here to play and talk together and have fun!
We now have brand new Rust Rangers and Ark servers which you all probably know, and a new website to go along with the Rust Rangers faction, in our forum we have 3 main areas to promote these sections, so if you have any suggestions for our community or servers or just want to spam something stupid (in the correct section of course.) please feel free to do so.
All Group channels at the bottom of teamspeak will soon be replaced, for open channels, should a group wish to have their own channel it will be required to sign up to the forums and apply to be a group and request a teamspeak channel with a specified name to be created, this will help us the remove the grey area between who is part our community.
Rust Rangers group has now been wiped, and we will be reforming the Rust Rangers community, with new members that apply through our forums.
The ASG Website is going to have a complete overhaul to unify our factions and give ASG a fresh look, there will also be new content to come such as community shirts.
--- Harsh bits ---
All existing members of ASG need to be welcoming new ASG and Rust Rangers members into the community to play games with, we can understand if there is specific players or members that don’t get along but this still a requirement to be in ASG community.
Cheaters Are not allowed anti-social gaming community full stop this includes existing members. If a member A member is caught cheating and representing our community they will dishonourably removed our community.
This also will not be disputable.
--Disputes within the community--
Disputes will now be handled in a new fashion via our forum, remember our admins of ASG are gamers to and do not want to be poked in teamspeak, there for poke permissions will now be removed for guests, ASG members and Rust Rangers however private messaging will stay as its less interrupting.
If A dispute is of a confidential nature, This can reported in our support section our forum which is only visible to our superior members, and this will be looked into, members of the community will also be on a logged warning system should we hear too many complaints about a single member. if the dispute is of a serious nature and is regarding a superior member please private message one of our alternative admins in the community for a resolution.
--Shirts –
ASG Community will now be providing jerseys to members who deserves rewards for the commitment to our community, as a follow up from this we have other things in the works such as hats, mugs.
--meet community section—
We will be adding a meet our community section to our websites and our forums, and would like ASG members cooperation to achieve this although this not mandatory, this will include an IRL picture of members which will displayed on our website, and forum, this is give our new members a faces behind voices on teamspeak and to bring everyone a little bit closer together in this community.
We’re now going be offering members and guests a more displayed option to donate to our community, this will be put toward our servers and our rewards, should this prove to be successful ASG will also plan IRL events such as ( theme park trips, Lan events, and a little lesser one of take away on us. )
--Appraisals system—
We’re going adding an appraisals system to anyone who offers support to our community or we see people bringing new members to our community.
If any members have questions, please feel free to post on this thread :0