Full Version: W&S Hackers - The Avenger +
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I have Reason to believe that 3 players:
W&S Vixen
W&S ☣☠KF12☠☣
(sorry for formating)
The Avenger

2 of mentioned players - The Avenger and Vixen both have previous VAC bans on their accounts. 
Hackers don't normally change and when safe to use hacks are readily available (such as those on ArtificalAiming) then they continue to do so.

The indicating factors are knowing exactly where we are at all times.

The very rapid 180 degree turns with no extra time allocated to aim - yet head-shots are still made.
Their headshot accuracy is beyond what i would expect of a normal player.

The issue you will have is the hacks that the players use currently warn them when they are being spectated and they are able to see invisible admins on their ESP.
So observing them hack may be an issue. 

Good luck catching them.
Im not asking them to be instantly banned as i was unable to provide proof but i would keep an eye on them all
Hi Nerd Rage, thank you for this, we will try and keep an eye out to the best of our ability, knowing the factors that they can see when they are being spectated is going to be VERY hard for us to catch them, can i ask how are you aware of they know when they are being spectated?

I would also suggest using the f7 report as believe it or not this does actually work and has been proven on reddit.