Full Version: Retakes - Server Changelogs (Updates)
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This thread will include all changes/updates applied to the retakes server, should you have any questions regarding any changelog(s) please contact the person who has posted it.
Changelogs for 19/1/2017

- Remove de_nuke.
- Re-added de_inferno.
13/3/2017 Update

- The issue with map rotation in retakes #2 has been fixed. The maps are back to normal and cycling properly.
28/3/2017 Update

- Force defuse plugin is installed on both servers; this forces defuse when CT starts defusing and there are 0 Ts alive.
2/6/2017 Update

- Force defuse plugin was removed.
- Fail to plant plugin was added, any player who fails to plant the bomb 2 times will get banned for 15 minutes.
17/9/2017 Update

- Max retakes playercount increased to 10 (previously 9)
- The issue where the teams were 6vs4 after the playercount change is fixed.