Full Version: Surf - Server Changelogs (Updates)
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This thread will include all changes/updates applied to the retakes server, should you have any questions regarding any changelog(s) please contact the person who has posted it.
9/9/2017 Update

- surf_sunnyhappylove has been temporarily removed, will be added again in the future once we have a stronger playerbase.
- surf_rookie map time reduced to 25 minutes (previously 30).
- surf_grassland map time reduced to 20 minutes (previously 25).
10/9/2017 Update

- Replay bot in surf_utopia_v3 is broken and unfixable due to the obtainable golden knife that gives more speed, hence, the replay bot has been disabled for this map.
- The blue trail is removed from both replay bots.
- The admin map menus now display only the surf maps currently in rotation.
19/9/2017 Update

- Fun commands are disabled.
- Fun votes are disabled.
- RTV votes can now only be called 5 minutes into the map (previously 3).
- Mapvotes will now start when 7 minutes are left (previously 6).
- Recently installed map slope fix has been uninstalled to see if it is indeed causing more issues than it is fixing.
- Chat advertisements changes.
- Clients can now change their map skybox with /skybox.
26/9/2017 Update

- The issue where zones didn't load on first map upon server restart has been fixed.
- Bots are now always on the server instead of only joining after player.
- RTV minimum players requires is now set to 6 (to avoid abuse).